General election campaign kicks off with Rajoy ahead in the polls

The prime minister and PP leader was in Malaga to launch the two-week race for votes before the 20 December ballot.

The latest opinion poll indicates that the PP is likely to win the election with 28.6 per cent of the vote and between 120 and 128 politicians in government.  However, the PP would still need a collaboration, the most likely candidates being Cuidadanos, to achieve an absolute majority.

PSOE is in second place in the pool with 20.8 per cent of the vote, followed by Cuidadanos with 19 per cent.  Podemos is way behind, only showing a little over 9 per cent.

Rajoy addressed 3,500 supporters in the Malaga Congress Centre and congratulated his government on their four years in office and their achievements and stated that his main priorities would continue to be employment, pensions and services, the fight against terrorism and the unity of Spain, should he remain in power after the election.

Andalusian president Susana Diaz was also in the city for a PSOE rally.

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